Thank you so much for your interest in this MBL workshop! I'm so excited to help you feel more confident behind your camera and get on the path to better images! Please fill in a few quick questions below, and request a booking link at the end if you'd like to participate!!

The workshop will take place on Saturday September 22nd, 2018 from 9am-12pm at the Moments -by Lauren Studio in Hamilton. [There will also be one additional hour of 1-on-1 questions and practice available for those interested]. Snacks, refreshments, and a takeaway PDF will be included. The cost is $75 (plus tax).
Please specify Full Name
Please specify Email Address

Please choose one or more options
Please answer 'What kind of camera/gear do you have?'
Please answer 'What do you like to take photos of?'
Please select an option
Please select an option
Please answer 'I have the most trouble with:'
Please answer 'Is there anything else you're looking forward to learning?'

Please choose one or more options

Please choose one option

Please choose one option

Please choose one option